Our next get-together is on Sunday, 21st December, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm at the Lindauer Hof hotel (http://www.lindauerhof.de/) on the harbour. I have moved the date, and time, to enable as many people as possible to make it. Many of you will be going away for the holiday anyway, so I’m not sure how many we will be, but I have booked a few tables upstairs in the first-floor conservatory, overlooking the Christmas market, so that we can have a lovely view to accompany our glass of festive sherry, or tea, coffee, bubbly, cakes, snacks, etc. Being so close to the market itself, you should be able to combine our get-together with one last ramble around the stalls before it closes that evening. There is live music playing on the stage from 11am onwards, including the fanfare trumpeters at 6.30pm, and the whole thing winds up at 9pm. Going back to the Lindauer Hof itself, if you’re not sure where it is, or what it looks like, take a look at the website (link above) to familiarise yourself. The transport situation is as per last month, with train/bus/bike being the best options. The car parks will be full and the traffic going on and off the island can be tiresome and slow.
I look forward to seeing lots of you there!
Best wishes, and happy festive season, Amanda